"Star of the West" Home Page
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A journey of enlightenment with sailing yacht "Star of the West" from early building in Kimberley South Africa in the late 1970's to South Pacific and Asia cruising in the 1980-90's, completion of a circumnavigation in 2005, to presently cruising New Zealand's northern coast.

It is being shared to; Bring the special people and places we encountered to those who simply wish to enjoy from their computers. Assist those whose planning or journeys are part way complete. Encourage those thinking of a similar project.

The tale is still unfolding, see latest news, with earlier parts still to be incorporated or detailed. Maps of voyages, show waypoint and route details. The most recent update was on 14-Aug-2009.

"Star of the West" near erupting Krakatoa volcano Sunda Strait Indonesia 1993

A dedication to all those who have been involved in making the journey possible, those who have shared and who still are. Particularly friend Fred (Barney) van Asbeck (1957-1995) and brother Paul Bunting (1955-2005) who are journeying elsewhere and who along with Mother Nature, and the people we met along the way, had a big impact on our emotional growth.